Produced by Mitch Hewlett and Cody Boston Directed By Cody Boston Camera: Cody Boston, Audio Recorded by Joel Martin and Mitch Hewlett Mixed By Joel Martin Edited By Cody Boston Graphics By Josh Boston A Boston Visuals Production Presented by: 90.9 The Bridge To see more live sessions, interviews, and learn more about Coop Sessions go to ====FOLLOW COOP SESSIONS===== Instagram: @cooplivesessions Facebook: @coopsessions contact:

Fam Photo: Cody Boston | Polaroid

Fam Photo: Cody Boston | Polaroid

Madisen and Ruth Ward have accomplished a lot since their first release in 2015. The mother and son duo write deeply earnest folk inspired music that resonates in such a way that only a family singing together can achieve. Hitting the UK charts after the release of their first album and getting invited to acclaimed festivals and performances catapulted the songwriters into the spotlight and now they’ve just released a brand new record called “Started With A Family” here in 2019, in which all 4 tracks from this live session are off of.

Find Madisen Ward and The Mama Bear’s new album and more at the links below


Track Listing:

  1. Started With A Family

  2. Botticelli

  3. Back To The North

  4. Lightning Kids



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