Produced by Mitch Hewlett and Cody Boston Directed By Cody Boston Camera: Cody Boston, Audio Recorded by Mitch Hewlett Mixed By Mitchell Hewlett Edited By Graphics By Josh Boston A Boston Visuals Production Presented by: 90.9 The Bridge To see more live sessions, interviews, and learn more about Coop Sessions go to ====FOLLOW COOP SESSIONS===== Instagram: @cooplivesessions Facebook: @coopsessions contact:

Fam Photo: Cody Boston | Polaroid

Fam Photo: Cody Boston | Polaroid

Hush Machine is the moniker under which songwriter Sam Boatright releases his music. Sam uses a fantastic mix of influence that molds into an edgy, often nostalgic form of indie pop. The songs maintain a rawness and simplicity that evokes post-punk and new wave vibes from eras passed. The lyricism pulls you into Sam’s world view and the floating softness to his voice demands a closer listen.

To hear more from Hush Machine check them out here


Track Listing:

  1. Hold Me Down

  2. Diner

  3. Heart And Winter

    4. What Do I Got


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